Hiring a CAPS Professional Could Benefit Your Older Loved One

Aging-in-place refers to the concept of staying in one’s own home as they age, rather than relocating to a nursing home or assisted living facility. This involves making modifications to the home to increase safety, accessibility, and comfort; enabling seniors to maintain their independence.

The Certified Aging-in-Place (CAPS) program was developed by the National Association of Home Builders in collaboration with the AARP. Its objective is to educate professionals on how to make homes more accessible and safer for seniors. CAPS professionals are trained to understand the certain needs of aging homeowners and provide appropriate modifications and renovations.

Eliot M. Weissberg received his CAPS designation in 2021.

Click here to learn more about how a CAPS professional could benefit your older loved one.

Raymond James is not affiliated with the National Association of Home Builders or AARP.